By participating in 'Green Friday Goal Master', you agree to the terms and conditions of the game.
1. You have 2 daily chances to play, with records updated daily.
2. 'Green Friday Goal Master' runs from November 18th to 24th, 2024.
3. Coupons earned will be stored in your coupon center for use. You can also view your prizes on the game page.
4. Please redeem any coupons or prizes before November 24th , validation of coupons could be checked in your coupon center.
5. Winning is based on probability and not directly related to your shot's accuracy. Please understand.
6. This game can be played on mobile devices. To play on a PC broswer, you need to switch to developer mode and select a mobile screen size.
7. All rights reserved by oraimo.
{{ $t('a_coupon_has_been_sent_to_your_account') }}
{{ $t('check_my_coupon') }}{{ $t('almost_there_one_more_shot_for_success') }}